Biotin PRP

Biotin PRP


Noticing that your hair has begun to thin or that your hairline has started receding is never a pleasant experience...but did you know that there are some highly effective hair loss treatments that don’t involve surgery? We’re excited to offer PRP with biotin injections, enabling you to non-surgically address hair loss with incredible, natural results.


What is GFC Hair Loss Treatment?

Growth Factor Concentrate, or GFC, is an extremely safe treatment which uses growth factors generated from your blood for the best results in treating hair loss. During the GFC hair loss treatment, the growth factors are administered at the hair root by superficially injecting them directly into the scalp. The GFC treatment helps in reducing hair loss while also promoting hair growth, thickening hair follicles, and increasing hair numbers.

Worried about Hair Loss?

Grow back your hair & confidence with HAIR TRANSPLANT

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